Janet Higgins’ MART341-WebDesign
Repository for my Introduction to Web Design & Development Homework.
Week 2 was more understandable. I reviewed week 1 material and went through the tutorial of building a web-projects test-cite. I couldn’t get the button to work and the tutorial didn’t show me the js file.
Assignment 3
Janet Higgins
Three things I learned this week.
- I have learned more about the Internet
- I learned about the parts of an URL
- I learned about Atom

Assignment 4
Janet Higgins
- Browsers: A Web browser is actually a software application that runs on your Internet-connected computer. It allows you to view Web pages, as well as use other content and technologies such as video, graphics files, and digital certificates, to name a few. I use mainly chrome and will install firefox.
- A markup language: In computer text processing, a markup language is a system for annotating a document in a way that is syntactically distinguishable from the text, meaning when the document is processed for display, the markup language is not shown, and is only used to format the text. The most common mark up language is html which is used to display pages on the web.

Assignment 5
Janet Higgins
- Visit a site using The Wayback Machine, looking at a snapshot at least 10 years old. Where did you go? I went to Amazon.com site. What did it look like? It had a row of tabs on the top and menus down the left and right. Too much information! How has it changed? No side menus, and large pictures of items of personal interest.
- Summarize your experience with these last few topics. What did you learn? I am learning how to use ATOM and GitHub. What was difficult, easy, or still misunderstood? I have never used something like GitHub. I have used Notepad for developing HTML pages.
- An embedded image of your screenshot using its relative URL.